2nd AUAP Student English Debate Competition
February 28, 2025
26 Days
Region: Philippines
April 8-9, 2025, Rizal Technological University, Manila, Philippines.
Debates have a rewarding impact on student's skills and overall personality development. Such competitions mold student’s opinions and views on various subjects, preparing them to face the world successfully and professionally. We encourage all students to participating in debating to experience these benefits and develop into responsible, articulate and potential leadership adults.
We are delighted to announcement that the Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP), in cooperation with Rizal Technological University (RTU), Manila, Philippines and the Mater's Institute Development Academic and Seminary (MIDAS), Thailand will organize the 2nd AUAP Student English Debate Competition(SEDC), on April 8-9, 2025, in Rizal Technology, Manila, Philippines.
This year, there are two (2) levels:
1. Secondary Level
2. University Level
The competition aims for contestants including the following.
• Skill Development and Knowledge Enhancement
• Improvement in Critical Thinking and Listening Skills
• Confidence Building for Effective Public Speaking
• Broadens One’s Viewpoints and Knowledge
• Improved Retention of Knowledge
• Enhances Self-Expression and Self-Esteem
• Develops Research Skills
• Enhances Logical and Clear Thinking
• Acquires Critical Life Skills
• Key Skills Developed Through Debating
• Prepare for Future Academic and Professional Success
• Reasoning and Evidence
• Engaging Expression
• Organized Thought
• Highlight the benefits of cooperation teamwork, comradeship, and cultural
interconnection in daily lives.
• Encourage Teamwork, Collaboration, Wrapping Up and more;
Tentative Program: >>Click<<
Criteria: https://shorturl.at/Nxf76
Each team should include three (3) contestants and one (1) coach. The event is open to a total of thirty-two (32) teams, and participation will be based on a first-come, first-served basis.