Home Master of Applied Science - Electronic System...
Master of Applied Science - Electronic Systems Engineering (Thesis Option)
Electronic Systems Engineering focuses on the integration of electronics, computers, and communication technologies in many different types of systems.
The Electronic Systems Engineering program at the University of Regina focuses on a core program of analog and digital electronics with specialization streams in: instrumentation and control, telecommunications, micro-electronics, and power and energy.
Software and computer-related courses are part of the electronics core program, allowing students to develop greater facility with both hardware and software.
All engineering students take a common initial core program consisting of the basic maths and sciences needed by all engineers, plus introductory design courses.
Electronic Systems Engineering students learn the performance of electronic components, develop understanding of component behaviour in complex systems, learn and practice skills for the design and management of electronic systems, and develop and complete design projects.
The Master of Applied Science is a research oriented program with a thesis requirement.
Listed below are the documents required to apply for this course.