International Business Academy (IBA)
Denmark Havneparken 1, 6000 Kolding, Denmark
The IBA International Business Academy is a public institution of higher education which is located in the city Kolding in the south of Denmark, 80 km from the German border. At the IBA we have Bachelor's degrees which mainly focuses on international business, leadership, management skills and related areas.
Institution Details
DLI number
+45 72 11 82 00
Institution Type
Cost and Duration
750 DKK
Application Fees
130,000 for
Gross Tuition Fees
Programs 4
Master of Science in Business and Organisational Psychology
DKK 120,000
: Master of Science in International Business
DKK 96,000
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in International Business
DKK 64,000
MBA in General Management
DKK 130,000